**Have fun!**
When society becomes unstable, our minds also become wobbly.
When something seems to go against common sense, people tend to lash out at it and feel as if they were doing something right and just.
The media whine about unfamiliar or unpopular ideas emotionally rather than weigh them up logically.
We love resenting and lamenting the reality that troubles our minds.
But anger and grudge won’t make our lives any better.
Are you aware?
All of our words and deeds release enormous energy into this universe.
Perhaps it’s time we asked ourselves whether the energy we choose to send off comes from ill feelings or good feelings.
Whatever the answer is, never can we erase our energy once we emit it.
The energy that our words and deeds give off is so straightforward that beings in this universe react to it more or less.
The same energy can make someone happy and another upset at the same time.
But please remember.
You can fake your smile, fake your language, but you can’t fake your energy.
The energy you release gives rise to the reality you live in and truths you live with.
So I hope you become aware that all energy you send off will stay in this universe forever.
Thanks again for listening. See you. Namu Amidabutsu (南無阿弥陀仏).
Navigated by Master Aco
Worded by MC Mico with Master Aco
Visualised by Master Aco
Created by Amitabha via Master Aco
Bare Soul Beach © 2021
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/baresoulbeach/
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