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share market basics for beginners | நீங்கள் பங்குச்சந்தைக்கு புதியவரா ? | share market Tamil | https://youtu.be/ov0MP6NCBKQ
share market tamil | பங்குச்சந்தையின் அடிப்படைகள் | what is share and stock, equity and commodity ? https://youtu.be/0d6pss-2G8E
why invest in share market ? | what is inflation ? | பணவீக்கம் என்றால் என்ன? | share market tamil | https://youtu.be/AkqXyh-CmzA
Trader VS Investor | share market tamil | basics of stock market | https://youtu.be/UUKHmUQa8ts
Why market moving Up and Down | Supply and Demand | share market tamil |
How to select a stock like warren buffett | Best stock for investment | share market tamil |
Middle class people VS Rich people (Tamil)| How to become rich | share market tamil
Demat Account VS Trading Account in Tamil | what is demat and trading account ? | share market tamil https://youtu.be/06TH-IJaZLI
Drink water Ronaldo removes coca cola bottles in press conference | coca cola parithabangal | https://youtu.be/K7er-7MDEPs
Adani - க்கு 1,00,000 கோடிகள் இழப்பு | share market tamil | https://youtu.be/cYDnTv_JDt4
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