Floods: Nieuport and Knokke were also hit by heavy rains.
Heavy rains caused flooding Monday morning in Nieuwport, West Flanders. Some streets and several basements were flooded, Newport Mayor Geert Vanden Brucke (CD&V) said. It took the firefighters several hours to pump and pump out the water.
Nieuport firefighters received 23 calls from victims on Monday morning from 6am. These were mostly flooded streets and cellars. Camping "Compass" in the Sint-Joris area was also damaged. “Firefighters are still evacuating water. The tents are flooded, ”explains Mayor Gert Vanden Brucke. “In a very short period of time, a lot of water fell out, but we were able to quickly intervene. In the meantime, the problems could be resolved. As long as the rain remains relatively calm, we do not expect any major problems. "
Code Orange is valid Monday afternoon for the province of West Flanders. Locally, it can still rain a lot in a very short period of time.
In Knokke-Heist, firefighters were also in great demand: more than 150 calls were made in the morning. Several streets were submerged due to the fact that the sewerage system could not absorb the downpours.
A situation that does not scare the mayor of the city, Piet de Groot, because "the water is quickly discharged without causing much damage." Residents were also informed by the IRM, and the orange alert allowed residents in one of the city's five risk zones to take advantage of the sandbags.
The situation returned to normal very quickly in most of the affected areas. Like the coastal town of Nieuwport, Knokke-Heist experienced heavy rains on Monday. After a short downpour, some streets, including Lippenslan and Kustlan, were completely flooded. “But the water left as quickly as it came. The sewerage system was briefly congested due to heavy rains. After opening several manhole covers, the problem resolved itself, ”said Pete De Groot. By about noon, the Knokke-Heist fire brigade had received about 160 calls. Firefighters from Bruges, Blankenberge and Torhout provided assistance. Most of the calls were about basements or flooded garages. According to the burgomaster, there were no serious problems
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