Paul's epistle to the Galatians is a strong reminder of the freedom in Christ and to stand firm and not to submit to the yoke of slavery.
In the fifth chapter Apostle Paul shows the 'Passions & Desires' and calls for us to make the right choice -
Fallen from Grace or Faith Thru Love?
Follow False Teachings or Follow the Truth?
First You or First Others?
Fulfil the Flesh or Fruit of the Spirit?
C.I. Scofield writes, "The presence of the flesh is not, however, an excuse for walking in it. We are taught that "our old man is crucified with Christ"; that, in that sense, we "are dead," and we are called upon to make this a constant experience by mortifying ("making dead") our members which are upon the earth."
Listen to this study to learn how to stand firm in the freedom in Christ and to not submit again to the yoke of slavery, through our passions & desires.
#Galatians #PassionsDesires #BibleStudy #FreedominChrist