Hello people I am 3amoor and that’s it , also subsckribe.
This is my PayPal
My socials;
Trovo: https://trovo.live/video/ltv-100490822_100490822_1606766979?ltab=videos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/3amoor_cod/
Discord: https://discord.gg/tM9j3uwaRD
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/The3amoor
If u want to do business with me: the3amoorbuisness@outlook.com
Some frequent questions
Age: turned 18 2 days after champs still got banned.
Device: Nokia express limited edition and iPad Pro 2020
Where am from: 🇦🇪
My current team : te 3amoor team
Headphones: steel series arctic 7 and my ears somtimes
What’s loadouts and settings: juz search for anything u want and write 3amoor before it ex; 3amoor settings or 3amoor asm and for newest version juz look at upload date.
Achievements: 15 Arabic tourneys 1 Eu and stage 3 champs was gonna be stage 4 also but yeah. / 19 asian tourneys 4 Eu for c-ops and ofc becoming #1 in rank for season 2 and season 4 for codm almost lost my mind for those grinds.
Can u add me: go add iferg
Why don’t u switch to phone: u can check my phone vids + not worth spending 5 months just to be as good as I am now.
ليش كل محتواك بل انقليزي: لأني ابي اشتهر بشكل اسرع و اكيد عندي فوق ال ١٢٠ بث يعادل يمكن ٢٠٠ ساعه فقط بل عربي بس عشانك.
Song; https://youtu.be/wPPvurJY5A8
Don’t forget the liek
#CODM #CallofdutyMobile #Bestsnipercodm #shorts