Michael Dowd from The Seven Five documentary, the movie, is NYPD's most corrupt officer ever. Michael Dowd says Mark Wahlberg played his life in the movie Sponsor Confidential shortly after negotiations for a full feature film. The former police offers to discuss what it was like in detail, Michael Dowd was there when the crack epidemic began, the officers didn't even know what it was. The city was going through the crack epidemic and had the highest murder rate in the country at the time. Michael Dowd had a hit placed on him and explains confronting the guy who ordered it.
Michael Dowd would find a mark or police call, rob all the money and cocaine he could, then resell the cocaine, use the cocaine, the list goes on. He gave out his badge, tipped off drug dealers on raids coming, and more, to say the least.
Michael Dowd speaks about his getting arrested with his partner, who wore a wire and cooperated with the feds. Michael was called to Testify about his crimes, he was sentenced to 14 years. Michael is in negotiations again for a full feature film or series.
Michael Dowd now speaks to young police offers, either in the force, academy along with those who want to be an officer making them aware of what they're in for, especially at a time like now, and warns them about the mistakes he made. Michael Dowd awesome has a fantastic line of cigars with Adam Diaz, Ironically. Links below. Thanks again, Mike! See you soon.
Watch the documentary of Mike Dowd, 75th Precinct NYPD Gangsta Cops:
The Seven Five:
75 Cigars by Michael Dowd and Adam Diaz DM on IG: https://www.instagram.com/themikedowd/
Website: https://www.themikedowd.com/what-we-do
Adam Diaz From #TheSevenFive Doc:
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#MichaelDowd #DirtiestCopEver #DrugDealers