Piano Practice | A strategy to help with consolidating gains made whilst practising!

Piano Practice | A strategy to help with consolidating gains made whilst practising!

Often, we will find that we have practised something one day and then when we come back to it the next day, our fingers seem to have 'forgotten' what to do. This is something I find happens annoyingly frequently. However, I have found a way that helps consolidate previous gains - and that is re-starting not from where we left off, but from much further back.

I got the idea from a Speed Building Workshop with Graham Fitch's Online Academy where he mentioned that if we are working to increase speed gradually with a metronome, we should always start our practice from our original slow tempo and not from the fastest we had managed thus far. This advice can be traced back to Rachmaninov! Extrapolating this to other practice techniques, I have found that it works well whatever set of practice ideas we use.

I explain with a couple of examples including Debussy's 1st Arabesque and Schubert's E Flat Major Impromptu.

As I discussed in the video, I highly recommend the Online Academy and invite you to discover it for yourself from the link below. Aside full access to Graham's eBook Series on practising piano, there are a whole range of additional materials plus great discounts on online workshops and other events.

For my review of Graham's eBook Series : https://youtu.be/VEPdY7QF8Io
For my thoughts after attending an Online Academy Performance Workshop : https://youtu.be/NV4xCcHZLQI

Within this video I also reference:
'Two Steps Back': https://youtu.be/uaylJ2IKkT4
Hands Separate Practice: https://youtu.be/iHaNvVSKwII
Slow Practice: https://youtu.be/HqAHdF3kNRs
Schubert E Flat Impromptu: https://youtu.be/iP3UVPl2pTE

Fully details of all equipment used are available on my blog at the address below:
Filmed on an iPhone XR - using the Filmic Pro app
Audio captured on a Zoom F6 using a matched pair of Rode NT5 microphones
Vocals captured on a Rode SmartLav microphone plugged into an iPhone 6S
Video editing done using iMovie
Audio editing done using Garageband



piano practiceGet better at piano practice

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