Many people try yoga to help with their back pain and heal, NOT to create more back pain! Here is a step by step tutorial on what to look out for in your yoga class. There is a posture in yoga called, Upward facing dog pose (Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana). It is a common yoga posture with great benefits for low back pain IF done correctly.
Upward facing dog pose is backbend that opens the front of your hips and opens across your chest. The first common misalignment is dumping your legs & hips into the floor. This can really make your low back cranky!
What you want to do is press the tops of your feet into your mat, straighten your legs, and lift your heart slightly. The pressure from your feet and strength in your legs will help distribute the backbend using your whole spine.
The second issue is the shoulders shrugging. This is a common habit as the shoulders are used to holding our stress. Instead, press firmly through your hands and roll your shoulders back & down . This will help extend your heart upward and lighten the load on your lower back muscles.
The very last piece to look out for is with in your gaze. There are two common extremes either looking down at the mat or looking to far back to the point your forehead strains. Find a happy medium with a natural lift in your chest & chin and a soft gaze.
Now, lets apply these upward facing dog tips into a short Yoga Sun Salutation. If you feel comfortable there try them out in a Vinyasa Yoga class or a Morning Yoga Flow with us.
Music kindly provided by: https://www.bensound.com/
For in person classes check out our class schedule & come on in: https://www.powermovesyoga.com/schedule
See you soon Yogi Friends!