The narrator describes his new hobby and the advantages it has.
CHORDS: Three Chord Trick in G
I've got this brand new hobby
You'll never guess what it is
But I'll give you a bit of a clue
As if this were a quiz
It doesn't need a lot of skill
To be a devotee
And the best thing about it is
It's completely free
It's completely free
There is no membership fee
For the expert or trainee
It's completely free
The raw materials are easily found
You can do it on your own
As part of the procedure
You just pick up a stone
The training is the hard part
You can learn the ropes on YouTube
You won't need much equipment
Nor any special tools
My wife hates creepy-crawlies
So I know she won't come near
She says they give her the willies
And fill her full of fear
While I have got this hobby
I'm totally carefree
And the next best thing about it is
It keeps her away from me
So I hope you've guessed its name by now
And what it all involves
We race coleoptera
Around which our hobby revolves
Don't get confused with that pop group
Who hailed from Liverpool
Translated as "Escarabajos"
By some ignorant fool.