Habitat loss and fragmentation are two main causes of the continuing decline in biodiversity in our region and pose serious threats to our wildlife populations. With natural areas in the West disappearing at a rate of one football field every 1.65 minutes between 2001 and 2017, we need to ensure urban sprawl, transportation development, and energy development don’t further threaten the iconic species that inhabit the unparalleled landscapes and natural areas of the West. Add to that, climate change is fundamentally altering landscapes and habitats, introducing new pressures and threats to wildlife.
But there is good news: Following landmark legislation in 2019 that gave the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) the mission to protect public health and environment from the impacts of oil and gas, Commissioners voted unanimously in 2020 to adopt new rules, including rules that will better conserve wildlife.
Join our panelists as we:
• Present research related to oil and gas development and wildlife;
• Explain how the COGCC rules work to facilitate public involvement in decision making; and
• Explain how CPW will participate in COGCC decision making and what the 1200 series means for protecting wildlife.