This video was recorded at ElixirConf EU Virtual 2020 - https://www.elixirconf.eu/
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Artificial intelligence with Elixir: the Rete algorithm to build Expert Systems
Lorenzo Sinisi |
The Rete algorithm is an algorithm for implementing rule-based systems. It is known as one of the most complex algorithm to implement and it is used in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
So can Elixir be used for Artificial Intelligence to build expert systems? Let's find out!
I showcase an Elixir app in which we detect the sickness of a dog given a set of symptoms using Retex as the core business logic of the app. I demonstrate that AI on the BEAM works amazingly.
THE SPEAKER - Lorenzo Sinisi
Dániel started as architect (not software) 15 years ago, then he gradually switched to software development and later engineering management. Since 2016 January Daniel is leading the tech for flyiin.com and bringing BEAM technologies to the aviation industry.
ElixirConf EU
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