What is fire meditation? Like any meditation, #firemeditation is a contemplative practice. In fact, religious nonsense and mystical delirium aside, fire meditation is contemplation of an open flame without being distracted by anything else. Everything is extremely simple. In fact, any person who is resting near the #fireplace or by the fire, not thinking about anything, but simply watching the flame, performs the fire meditation. How to Meditate on Fire? Meditation is not something difficult that requires the mobilization of will and the exertion of all forces. Like any meditation, fire meditation combines relaxation and concentration. It won't be superfluous to remind you that concentration has nothing to do with tension. Concentration is just a lack of scattering of attention. You can be focused and relaxed at the same time. How, however, you can be tense and concentrated. But meditation requires relaxation and concentration, which, alas, is not always easy for a modern person to achieve, since most people are convinced that to do something, you need to make an effort, and this is always associated with tension. Include this video i.e. light a fire or light a fireplace. Sit nearby, take comfortable use. Free your mind from all extraneous thoughts, feel the fire, direct all your attention to the flame. Watch him and relax at the same time. Get some rest. You can even close your eyes if you do not fall asleep. Watch the fire, feel the warmth and light emanating from it, peace and strength, it does not matter that it is on the Internet - it is not particularly important for your subconscious mind. Feel how worries disappear, you calm down, and the body is “filled” with warmth and “dry” power of fire, tuning in to a special rhythm of the flame. The power of the fire is felt as pleasant warmth and dryness. In principle, you can meditate indefinitely, but it is better to fit into the time interval of 20-40 minutes. The benefits of fire meditation are shocking. No wonder they say that you can look at the fire forever. Fire clears the mind, calms the nerves and allows an open-minded look at any situation without a veil of emotions. The difference between fire meditation and ordinary breathing meditation is that concentration occurs on the flame, while several senses are involved at once - sight and hearing. Due to the fact that meditation on fire involves several senses, it is easier to concentrate and hold attention, which means it will be easier to relax. In principle, fire meditation can successfully replace ordinary meditation, or it can be practiced from time to time, since this type of meditation still requires a flame, and it may not always be at hand.To fully experience the effect of fire meditation, the easiest way is experience it for yourself. During meditation, everything superficial, everything negative seems to burn in a flame, purifying the mind and soul, ordering emotions, setting them up for a positive. At the same time, a person, having meditated a little on the fire, will feel a surge of strength, peace and joy, incomparable with anything else!
Что такое #медитацияогня? Как и любая медитация, медитация огня – созерцательная практика. По сути, если отбросить религиозную чепуху и мистический бред, медитация огня – это созерцание открытого пламени при отсутствии отвлечения внимания на что-либо иное. Всё предельно просто. По сути, любой человек, отдыхающий возле камина или у костра, ни о чём не думающий, а просто наблюдающий пламя – совершает медитацию огня. Как медитировать на огонь? Медитация – это не что-то сложное, требующее мобилизации воли и напряжения всех сил. Как и любая медитация, медитация огня сочетает в себе расслабление и концентрацию. Не будет лишним напомнить, что концентрация не имеет ничего общего с напряжением. Концентрация лишь отсутствие рассеивания внимания. Можно быть сконцентрированным и при этом расслабленным. Как, впрочем, можно быть напряжённым и сконцентрированным. Но для медитации требуется расслабление и концентрация, что современному человеку, увы, не всегда легко достичь, поскольку большинство людей убеждены: чтобы что-то сделать, необходимо приложить усилия, а это всегда ассоциируется с напряжением. Включите это видео, т.е. разведите огонь или зажгите камин. Сядьте рядом, примите удобную пользу. Освободите разум от всех посторонних мыслей, прочувствуйте огонь, направляйте всё внимание на пламя. Следите за ним и при этом расслабьтесь. Отдыхайте.
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