Meet the Comets Part 2 - Epic Journeys - A song about space / astronomy - for kids by The Nirks™

Meet the Comets Part 2 - Epic Journeys - A song about space / astronomy - for kids by The Nirks™

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It’s time to Meet More Comets! These Cosmic Snowballs are ready to introduce themselves and tell you about their epic journeys through our solar system and beyond. Join Vincent and Luna as they travel into outer space to introduce you to more comets! Did you know that comets can have moons? They have 2 tails, not one and can have auroras around them too! Learn all about these fascinating cosmic objects with The Nirks™! Comets included in this song are: Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3), Comet Leonard (C/2021 A1), Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, Comet 21/Borisov, Comet Wild 2 (81P/Wild), Comet Sarabat (C/1729 P1), Comet Donati (C/1858 L1), Comet Tempel-Tuttle, Comet Borrelly (19P), and newly found mega comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein!
If you missed Part 1 of Meet the Comets, you can watch it here:

Sometimes you’ll look up into the night sky
And see something amazing passing by
Brighter and closer than any star
Traveling our solar system from very far
A nucleus made from frozen gas, rock and
Tails streaming behind them that look so nice
What are these bright visitors in the sky?
Where did they come from, how and why?

They are comets, travelers way up high
Cosmic snowballs that pass you by

I’m comet Neowise and I just passed by
In 2020 you would have seen me in the sky
Both my curved dust tail and straight blue ion tail were visible
Making me look very mysterious and mystical
In July of 2020 I reached perihelion
That is the closest that I got to your sun
A long period comet on my way back to outer space
It’ll be thousands of years before I return to this place

I’m Comet Leonard and I’m newly discovered
Only I know the secrets you have yet to uncover
Passing by Earth in December 2021
And then my path continues onward to the Sun
I’m excited about my trip and want to put on a nice show
As I get closer my brightness will continue to grow
I have a hyperbolic orbit, I’ll only visit Earth one time
Then back to deep space for the next adventure of mine

You’ll find that I am Incredibly special
I’m the first comet to have a spacecraft land on me
The Rosetta Spacecraft Mission got amazing pictures to see
I also have a feature that is very unique
I have a far-ultraviolet aurora around Me
And, one image captured a small chunk of debris
A tiny friend nicknamed “Churyumoon” orbiting me

Comets, Our journey is so much fun
As we slingshot around the sun

Comet journeys are measured by their orbit round the sun
The closest they get to the sun is called their perihelion
When comets move farther away from the sun
The farthest point from the sun is called the aphelion

They look like they have 1 tail, but really have two
A curved grey dust tail and straight ion tail that’s blue
Comet tails will always point away from the sun
Because of solar winds and pressure of radiation


I’m Wild 2 I’m shaped like a flattened sphere
My orbit around the sun takes me about 6 and a half years
Scientists collected the first samples of a comet’s tail from me
Nasa’s Stardust probe brought it back to Earth to study

I’m Comet Borrelly , and I have an odd shape
Not round like a sphere, I’m shaped like a chicken leg
A Jupiter family comet, my orbit takes about 2,500 days
So, I’ll be back around soon to astound and amaze

I’m Donati, The comet of 1858
Known as one of the most beautiful comets seen to date
I was the first comet ever to be photographed you see
And I inspired artists to paint the glorious site that was me
When I visited Earth before I stayed a very long while
Shining brighter and brighter to show off my style
I’m a long period comet, and won’t be back soon I fear
I won’t be seen again on Earth for nearly 1600 years

21/Borisov - a rogue comet! I’m misunderstood
Because I formed around another star, I’m not from your neighborhood
An interstellar comet, from beyond your solar system, that’s me
My composition and origin are both a mystery

I’m Comet Temple-Tuttle and I’ve left a gift behind
Every November you can see remnants of this tail of mine
The annual Leonid meteor shower is my gift to you
Multitudes of shooting stars streaking across the sky - OOOH!

Comet Sarabat – The Great Comet of 1729
I am remembered for my brightness and my size
I was one of the largest and brightest comets ever to be seen
But there are other massive comets out there even bigger than me…

I’m newly discovered Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein
On my way in towards Saturn, I’m massive in size!
I’m one of the largest known comets discovered yet
from the Oort Cloud, I’m an outer solar system comet

Comets, exploring outer space
On an adventure, We’ll be back some day

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