John from http://www.okraw.com/ shares answers to your questions based on his 26 years of experience learning about health and eating a raw vegan diet that is made up mostly vegetables, and fruits. You will learn the answers to questions such as: Are sugars too high in modern fruits? Does moringa leaves supply all my nutrient needs from leafy greens, what fruits juice the best? How often do you get your blood tested? and much more.
Questions that will be answered in this episode:
00:36 Why Should Fruits & Vegetables not be mixed when juicing?
What Fruits work really well with vegetable juices?
07:58 Will you attend any Live Events this year?
08:52 Should we try to lower deuterium levels in our bodies?
What is the best way to do so?
13:22 How do you specifically prepare your mushrooms?
15:02 What is the NGO that researches foods to identify their health composition?
15:42 How Often do you get your blood tested?
Would Your share the results with us?
17:36 What do you think of drinking tea?
How to overcome a coffee addiction?
22:26 What is your take on Brian Clement's claim that the sugar levels in modern-day fruits are unhealthy due to over-hybridization?
32:24 Is juicing the leaves from 8 moringa leaves supplying me with all the nutrients I need from greens?
35:22 What food makes you feel the best?
Where do you strike the balance between health & flavor?
Does the man himself ever cheat?
Any amazing detox stories?
What are the most important things for a successful garden?
Do you feel frustrated at the state of agriculture/health, the earth?
What is your favorite flavor combo?
Any fond memories of raw/gardening meetups?
Anything you want to change but are struggling with?
46:56 Where is your limit in effort vs benefit in all the diet improvements you are making?
51:16 Will you go back to eating 100% raw?
Do you think we can get enough variety by eating just raw fruits and vegetables making cooked foods unnecessary?
After watching this episode, you will learn the answers to the above questions and comments, and much, much more.
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Referenced Episodes:
How to eat a vegetable-based raw vegan diet
Why I started Eating Cooked Foods
Last Blood Test
Why You should get your blood tested
More thoughts on hybridized foods
Learn how to grow your own food
How to Juice Moringa
Referenced Links:
Texas Fruit Festival
Environmental Working Group