The conscious makes human animals desperate so you're seeing that conscious at play when they smile. They're only smiling to perpetrate an image you think is happiness.
Think about how creepy that is. They're living to do just enough for you to think they're a normal and happy person when in reality they're a confused and tortured monster.
That makes them cry for themselves and that is why they don't have energy to be compassionate to those who are different than them.
Nothing they do is genuine or completely on the level. For example, if they have kids, they have them as accessories to please their own vanity....that means the kids are just ego validation tools. So that's why something in the tone of this happens: they have a kid who's gay but is winning in life but they disavow them for not following the fantasy they've drawn for the kid. That proves that they only had a kid to serve their own vanity and don't even love their kids.
Watch the video to hear more lessons
Judge the soulless on what they do when they are 'LEFT TO THEIR OWN DEVICES' and tell them that's why they will never go to heaven. So it doesn't count what they do after being shamed by peer pressuring.
Think of it like a Nazi killing children and then fully thinking they'll go to heaven (if you're black and need it to be a Klansman killing girls in a church then you're trash. Anyone who needs visual similarities to care as much about others, is by definition someone worthless because YOU DID THAT WHEN YOU WERE LEFT TO YOUR OWN DEVICES...the devices are your mechanical/generic eyes sending things to that mechanical/generic brain. So when left to your own devices you're always selfish, wrong the first time before others correct you and that proves you're evil and unfixable. Think about it...but I digress). So unless you tell that Nazi that he/she is not going to heaven because they thought it was okay to kill kids(same thing but different words as LEFT TO THEIR OWN DEVICES).
Think about what it takes for someone to be that empty when they make decisions by their self. That's how you see #theMarkofTheBeast that is how you understand the Mark of Cain too. That's different than the Mark of the Beast. The Mark of Cain is an act done by someone with the Mark of the Beast. So the Mark of Cain is someone who has insane urges to pour salt on anything that doesn't help them to maniacal levels. That is seen in Genesis with the future drowning trashbots teasing Noah for doing a new things (build a boat) when he wasn't bothering them. Just seeing him with their mechanical/generic 👁 eyes were enough to make them attack him like he actually did something to hurt them. That tone sets how the mark of Cain comes through in societal interactions.
Those that call things crazy with no explanation volunteered are actively displaying the mark of Cain. You didn't know/observe that until you read it. So now you do and a person could never do that. Think about it