There are many religions that began across Eurasia, however what you may not know is that many are linked by an ancient myth, the Indo European Creation Myth, a myth spoken by the Proto Indo Europeans.
This video will tell the myth, explain it, and then compare it with other religions to see if they are descended from it.
Use of maps from https://indo-european.eu/ is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Thumbnail art created by Monontova
Music is licensed from ArtGrid.io
Pictures are licensed from Shutterstock, PxHere, or under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Share alike License, unless otherwise specified.
Main Citations
Lincoln, B. (2016) ‘The Indo-European Cattle-Raiding Myth Source : History of Religions , Vol . 16 , No . 1 ( Aug ., 1976 ), pp . 42-65 Published by : The University of Chicago Press’, 16(1), pp. 42–65.
Lincoln, B. (1986) Myth, cosmos, and society. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0674597753
Lincoln, B. (1975) ‘The Indo-European Myth of Creation’, History of Religions, 15(2), pp. 121–145. doi: 10.1086/462739.
Anthony, D. W. (2010) The horse, the wheel, and language: How Bronze-Age riders from the Eurasian steppes shaped the modern world, The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World. Princeton University Press. doi: 10.5860/choice.45-6255.
Quiles, Carlos. 2019. A Game of Clans, Independently Published, ISBN 1072003228
Quiles, Carlos. 2019. A Clash of Chiefs, Independently Published, ISBN 1072023539
Quiles, Carlos. 2019. A Storm of Words, Independently Published, ISBN 1072035294
Landsberger and Wilson. (1961) ‘The Fifth Tablet of the Enuma Elis’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 20, pp. 161, 175.
0:00 Introduction
3:18 A reading of the Indo European Creation Myth
6:50 Explaining the Myth
8:30 The Bovine
10:04 Priests
10:47 Trito the Warrior
12:30 Storm Gods or Warrior Gods?
14:41 How do we know this?
17:33 Other theories
21:38 The connection with other religions
34:21 Further analysis
36:02 A question for you