The untimely passing of Mountain Dog has me reflect on our level of happiness | Addiction of others

The untimely passing of Mountain Dog has me reflect on our level of happiness | Addiction of others

Monday Minute, on a Tuesday

R.I.P. Mountain Dog šŸ™ Your legacy lives on

I’m not kidding; my thoughts with his untimely passing went directly to how we live a life of happiness or happiness…  more often than not.

I’ve experienced with so many, that levels of happiness/unhappiness are in direct proportion to doing what we Love to do in Life and fulfilling our purposes.

Often times what separates us from where we are to where we desire to be, are other peoples opinions about us and their thoughts about what we truly want to experience in the World, for ourselves.

Here’s the thing:  When we get addicted to what other people think about us, that is a direct correlation in dictating how happy we become.

If your emotions are dependent on other peoples opinion and/or approval, you’ll always end up being unhappy.  Think about that…

The reason my thoughts go there is because we know that if you’re emotionally dependent on others approval, and that prevents you from truly doing what you Love in your Life, it positions you to be in a state that doesn’t serve very well.  Primarily due to the fact that you worry too much about what other people think about you.

Get out of there šŸ™‚  

Begin to challenge yourself to get out of the mode of being addicted to other peoples approval.

We don’t have another chance to live this life once it’s complete; so we best make it count.

I’m interested on your thoughts, to your own level of happiness ⬇️


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