Trump Could Be In Serious Trouble Now That DOJ Orders His Tax Returns To Be Released

Trump Could Be In Serious Trouble Now That DOJ Orders His Tax Returns To Be Released

Democrats in the House of Representatives are finally going to get their hands on Donald Trump's tax returns, and that could be bad news for the former President. It will all depend on what, exactly, the Democrats are looking for in the documents, and whether they are just trying to pull a flex on him, or if they have legitimate concerns that there could be either criminal activity or holdings that left the former President open to blackmail or persuasion from foreign governments. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Late last week, the US department of justice ruled that the Democrats in the House of Representatives that have been seeking Donald Trump's tax returns for many years now, they can go ahead and get their hands on them. The DOJ told the treasury department release the tax returns to these Democrats in the House. Now, this is a decision that more than likely folks is going to be appealed to the United States Supreme Court. But for the time being, let's just talk about what Democrats could do with those tax returns. And the answer is not a whole hell of a lot. Unfortunately, it's tax returns, right? But there are a couple of things that they could by seeing the tax returns then request other information on. So the tax returns themselves are not going to be some kind of smoking gun that Democrats need to, you know, indict Donald Trump.

They're basically a roadmap and what that roadmap is going to tell them is where Donald Trump's money is, what kind of holdings he has and where, because yes, that is exceptionally important. And those are the kinds of things that may need to be chased to find out if in fact, Donald Trump was in a position where he could have been influenced by a foreign government. He has holdings all over the world, folks, not just Russia, everywhere else though. And yes, those easily could have been used against him or his desire to create new properties could have also been used as leverage against him. That's the kind of thing that the Democrats are looking for. I'm hoping, I'm hoping that's what they're looking for, because let's be honest, Democrats in many ways can sometimes be just as petty and vindictive as Republicans, right? Donald Trump swore he was going to release his tax returns. Then he continued to not release his tax returns, claiming that, oh, I'm under audit, shoot.

Otherwise I'd totally give them. And Democrats got mad at that and said, well, we're going to subpoena them. So, okay. Could be petty. Could just be vindictive? It could just be a massive, you know, flex on Donald Trump. I guess we'll see when we get to that point, if and when they actually get their hands on those tax returns. But until that point we've got nothing but speculation. And again, this is something that Trump might end up appealing. It could go before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court already ruled by the way that his financial documents could be turned over to the prosecutors in the state of New York. But that again was a criminal prosecution or criminal investigation, I should say, for now. We'll see how that goes too. But either way, that is a bit different than the House committee trying to get their hands on them. Nevertheless, this is a positive move because I do firmly believe that had Donald Trump had something he wasn't trying to hide in his tax returns, he would have released them.

But we don't know what he's hiding. Is it some kind of massive financial crime, some kind of international bribery scheme or something as simple as him not being worth as much money as he once said? Honestly, it could be any of those things and only two of them are actually of relevance. If all the Democrats on that committee find out is that Trump doesn't have as much money as he says he does, then that's no big deal. That's not important. Then this whole thing will have been a complete waste of time.

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