Hi Everyone,
I am so excited to introduce this new company to me! Gabi over at Midwest Dazzle Diamond Art is doing great things. I want to apologize in advance for not inserting the artists name in the actual video but I will definitely put them down here in the description.
PUMPKIN by Natalia Zagorii ($49.97): https://midwestdazzlediamondart.com/products/pumpkin-preorder
ALTERNATIVE PRIDE FLAG - EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE ($59. 97) by NATASHA MUIR: https://midwestdazzlediamondart.com/products/alternative-pride-flag-everyone-is-welcome-here-60x80cm-preorder-now
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diamondpaintingbesties7583
Follow Brad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diamondpaintingbesties8375
Subscribe for more diamond painting and art videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4ZGPmXHid1z2xorn8Kgthg?sub_confirmation=1
Way to Support the Channel: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dpthebesties
I am an affiliate for a few companies, inwhich I do make a small commission on each sale using my links and code.
Diamond Art Club: https://diamondartclub.com
Craft-Ease: https://www.craft-ease.com?ref=160
Diamond Paintint Wereld: https://diamondpaintingwereld.nl
Code: MIRANDA15 (code good until Nov. 2021)
How to contact me:
My email: miranda.klawitter@yahoo.com
I will not be adding Brad's email due to him starting Nursing School.