Anticipate the most Luxurious High Rise Residential apartment in Banana Island

Anticipate the most Luxurious High Rise Residential apartment in Banana Island

Behold the LucreziaBySujimoto, an abode designed with sophistication for Royalties.
Sitting majestically and profoundly at 14 stories high, the Lucrezia debuts as the first ever building with a Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) Façade in Africa, 48 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, Virtual Golf Course in the Sky and Crèche for kids. It also features an Interactive Lobby, Private IMAX Cinema, Full Home Automation, Surround Sound System by B/O amongst many others.
This Diamond Villa in the sky is Africa’s tallest residential building and the most luxurious building in the most exclusive and expensive neighbourhood in Africa.
The LucreziaBySujimoto is made for the 1% of the 1%. Call Dammy on 0809 852 1646 if you're one..

#Sujimoto #LucreziaIsRising #LucreziaBySujimoto #RealEstate #Luxury #BananaIsland #Investment #Architecture #UrbanArchitecture #LuxuryRealEstate


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