In today's episode, Matthew Pillmore, president of VIP Financial Education, shows how to use credit cards to grow cash flow.
For many, the actual cards you have and are using regularly may be problematic right off the bat.
For starters, using a personal credit card for business expenses is not only a pain come tax time, but it can also hurt you in the short term!
0:00 - Intro
5:58 - Looking At My Credit Accounts
8:25 - Wrap Up
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Much like Robert Kiyosaki, VIP is all about utilizing leverage (via Debt Weapons) to increase cash flow through investing in all types of things, from real estate to small businesses. VIP differs in their approach to the follow-through, utilizing some of the things Dave Ramsey teaches - optimizing your cash flow by decreasing expenses - however VIP differs there too. We are all about maintaining the lifestyle design YOU want, all while optimizing your expenses through creative approaches. We're all about the best of both worlds.
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#CreditCards #CashFlow #PersonalFinance