COAST TO COAST AM – August 2021. Helané Wahbeh is the director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS). She is clinically trained as a naturopathic physician with a Master of Clinical Research. In the first half, she discussed her research into channeling, where the information comes from, and how to develop and understand this skill. Channeling is "the process of revealing information and energy that's not limited by our conventional notions of time and space," she explained. It can appear receptive or expressive, and encompass everything from intuition to remote viewing to full-on trance channeling or mediumship, she continued. Channeling, as she defines it, is far more common than is realized, with eight out of ten people experiencing some aspect of it, she estimated.
To learn more about featured guest speakers on this show please visit https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2021-09-02-show/