ENTREPRENEUR"S ADVICE: Do this Before Building a Product/ Service #startupproductstrategy #mentor

ENTREPRENEUR"S ADVICE: Do this Before Building a Product/ Service #startupproductstrategy #mentor

The biggest mistake most aspiring entrepreneurs do is building the wrong product for the wrong customer or wrong market. They think that their idea could solve a bigger problem but when they bring their idea to market they realize that nobody is interested in buying their product/ services. Had they done the research before their product would have looked entirely different when it hit the market.

AVOID these mistakes / Start-up failures:
❌ Building Wrong Product
❌ Marketing Wrong Message
❌ Trying to Solve the Wrong Problem
❌ Choosing the Wrong Target Market
DONT waste your TIME, resources and efforts in building the product that no one wants.
Remember, that finding a gap in the market is NOT ENOUGH to start a successful venture.

Also Watch these Videos:
1. What Makes An Idea A Business Opportunity? https://bit.ly/2Xp5OdG
2. Sources Of New (Innovative) Business Ideas For Entrepreneurs https://bit.ly/2Xw68rD

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For queries, collaborations and feedbacks write me an email at: square1challenge@gmail.com

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producthow to find the right product to sellproduct to sell

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