If you'd like to determine your true biological age, versus your chronological age, there's no better way than to get an epigenetic methylation test. I gave 5 of the top brands a test drive and reveal the results in this video.
I put BioViva's Timekeeper, MyDNAge, InsideTracker, MyToolboxGenomics and TruDiagnostic to the test this summer, got all the results back, conducted interviews with company spokespeople...and here's my review of the tests and the data that they returned. Some of tests returned with a LOT of data, and I take a deep dive into my epigenetic information, along with my true biological age.
Chapters & Timestamps:
00:00 Intro
01:50 How I Conducted the Tests
04:05 How the Information Is Presented
05:11 BioViva
06:55 MyDNAge
08:55 InsideTracker
11:45 MyToolboxGenomics
16:55 TruDiagnostic
24:40 Conclusions
Links to Epigenetic Home Test Kits from this video:
BioViva: https://bioviva-science.com/collections/products/products/timekeeper%E2%84%A2-dna-methylation-kit?variant=40242262212803
MyDNAge: https://www.mydnage.com/order
InsideTracker: https://www.insidetracker.com/customer/onboarding/choose-plan
MyToolboxGenomics: https://www.mytoolboxgenomics.com/shop/
TruDiagnostic: https://trudiagnostic.com/truage/
Discount code for Alive By Science: LANCE10
Product Links: https://alivebyscience.com/all-produc...
Discount code for DoNotAge: LANCE
Product Links for DoNotAge:
Annual Subscription: https://donotage.org/subscribe/
Products : https://donotage.org/products/
Discount Code for Perfect Amino: HITCH10
PerfectAmino Drink Powder link: http://affiliates.bodyhealth.com/idev...
PerfectAmino Tablets link: http://affiliates.bodyhealth.com/idev...