Fast Freight Trains In Ohio, Norfolk Southern In A Hurry Downtown & Crossing A Trestle, Camden Ohio

Fast Freight Trains In Ohio, Norfolk Southern In A Hurry Downtown & Crossing A Trestle, Camden Ohio

How fast are these trains going? Fast train at a level crossing in downtown Camden, Ohio and a fast train crossing a trestle near Camden. These trains are in the Dayton Ohio suburbs. One is a mixed freight and the other is a double stack intermodal train. What is the hurry? lol. I was looking for some fast trains and the Camden area might be the best between Dayton and Cincinnati. This is my first time here. I also show a railroad crossing that I saw on television. This crossing and 2 others are being protested due to trains blocking them. I saw a couple dozen people on television carrying signs and protesting so I thought I would check it out. I only saw the 2 trains that I filmed just north of the crossing and I saw a high rail truck go by. I was only here about 4 hours so I will have to return to see what is going on. The television news did not clearly explain what the problem is. The locals said they were contacting a land owner to use his property to abate the issue if the county couldn't solve it. There is a passing siding just north of the crossing so maybe it has something to do with slow long trains. I will return and figure it out. Trains operate on 160.440 and 452.9375 for EOT. Filmed August 26, 2021.
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short line railroadsohio train videosbranch line railroads

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