It's not always about the money, blades of Grass Lawn Care realize that some of our customers are going through some hard times and our job is to support them as much as they have supported us, enjoy!
BUY ITEMS IN THIS VIDEO: AMAZON STORE: https://www.amazon.com/shop/bladesofgrasslawncarellc
ISO Headphones: https://bit.ly/3oH6ILU use code: "BLADES10" for $10 OFF!
Buy KUJO BOOTS: https://www.kujo.com?promo=blades10
Trimmer Handle at DARWIN'S GRIP: https://www.darwinsgrip.com/ use code: "BLADESOFGRASS" for a 10% discount
Trailer/ Trimmer/ Blower Racks: EQUIPMENT DEFENDER RACKS: https://www.equipmentdefender.com/ "BLADES10" 10% OFF
Motorized Chute blocker: https://the-green-guard.com/ "BLADES" $10 OFF!
Marketing materials: https://lddy.no/ujd4
The Guardian Angel device: https://www.guardianangeldevices.com/?code=816&campaign=BladesofGrassLawnCare
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Email us @ bladesofgrass@live.com
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