The cause of many humanity problems is the inability of a man to sit quietly in his room alone.
An experiment showed that people will rather get an electric shock than just sitting there for 15 minutes doing nothing. - The human mind constantly needing stimulants is indeed the cause of many problems.
Boredom is a very subjective experience.
Think about the many times that you encounter boredom, what kinds of boredom are there regardless of the situation that arises.
What words come to mind when you encounter boredom? Disinterest, dissatisfaction, fatigue, lack of energy, absence of stimulation? Some felt mentally and physically exhausted when boredom arises! Some experience strong desire for change, some felt dullness of mind? Many have the feeling of being fed up with something, someone or their own-self.
Boredom is a challenge in ordinary life as well as spiritual life
When we experience boredom - negative thought/emotion arises.
Boredom can sometimes lead to sloth and torpor & sloth & torpor will sometimes lead to boredom. Often emptiness comes with boredom too.
What is the Buddha’s advice about boredom?
In overcoming hopelessness and sadness for being bored - We need to investigate, in our own experience, noticing & recognizing the pattern, putting appropriate attention to it, trying to stay alert rather than running away from it, applying effort & energy to it. When you pay attention to boredom, you will become unbelievably interesting.
The unique quality of Nanda (Buddha's disciple) - Instead of running away from it, face it; Applying mindfulness, one-pointed quality to it.