Tate Reeves, the Republican governor of Mississippi, made the idiotic comment recently that people in his state aren't that afraid of COVID because they believe in eternal life as part of their Christian faith. You would think that these people would be taking other lessons from the life of Jesus, like the "love thy neighbor" stuff that would help slow the spread of the disease. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins talks about people like Reeves who have apparently surrendered to the virus.
Link - https://www.businessinsider.com/mississippi-governor-belief-eternal-life-reduces-fear-of-covid-19-2021-8
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Mississippi's Republican governor Tate Reeves is watching COVID-19 cases in his state continue to spike. He has seen at least that we know of that's been reported nationally two eighth graders die from COVID-19. And yet when asked about the spike in COVID cases in his state recently, he basically said, if you believe in God then you're not concerned about dying. Here is his exact quote. I'm often asked by some of my friends on the other side of the aisle about COVID and why does it seem like folks in Mississippi and maybe in the mid-South are a little less scared, shall we say, when you believe In eternal life, when you believe that living on this earth is but a blip on the screen, then you don't have to be so scared of things. God also tells us to take necessary precautions and we all have opportunities and abilities to do that and we should all do that. I encourage everyone to do so. But, you know, if you think that heaven's waiting on the other side, then hell yeah, live it up now because what's coming on the other side is so much, so much better, right? No. The excuses from these Republican governors are getting dumber by the day.
That was a stupid response. That was an idiotic thing to say. Like, ah, we're not so concerned about dying from COVID. Hey, we got heaven to look forward to. Hey, guess what, Reeves, I'm assuming you didn't ever actually read that book because if you're not doing everything you can to take care of the less fortunate, to take care of your friends, to take care of everybody else around you, then I got bad news for you. You're not going there. Okay. You've got to do everything in your power, which you are not, to take care of the less fortunate, to take care of those in need, to protect others when you have the ability to do so. Love thy neighbor, right? But you're not doing that. You're letting this virus, because of your own partisan political agenda, overtake your state. Just like we're seeing in so many other states, as you pointed out, in the South. None of y'all are doing what Jesus would do. You're sitting there on your high horse in your positions of power and you're letting your people die. And I'm sure it doesn't come as much comfort to many of them that, hey, don't worry. Maybe you're going to go to heaven after this. Here's the thing, Tate.
We don't know what waits for us after this life. Nobody knows for certain. There is no way to know for certain what awaits us after we pass on. But what we do know is that we're here now. We are alive. We have a life to live. And because of that, we should do everything we can to preserve this life because we don't know. We don't know what else is out there. So why not take care of yourself? Take care of your body, do what you can to extend this life as long as possible, because this may be all we got. But instead you're out there selling these fantasy good time stories to people like, hey, don't worry if COVID crystallizes your lungs and your body can no longer process oxygen because once you get to heaven, none of that matters. No. What you do on earth does in fact matter if you are a religious person. I mean, hell, that's the main point of religion telling you that while you're on earth, be a good person, take care of others. But I guess Reeves missed that particular day in Sunday school.