Like most of us, you’ve probably asked yourself: why do they stuff pro players into glass boxes at big events?
Well, aside from looking awesome, they were actually originally designed for one specific purpose: to eliminate sound coming from the fans giving the players on stage an edge.
Now, do these booths actually work as intended? Do they really block out all the sound or do they just muffle things?
And with noise cancelling technology becoming more and more advanced, is the answer to this problem maybe just a decent pair of headphones?
Let us break down the complex history of sound on LAN and how it has impacted some massive moments in esports history.
Written by: Niall McCrossan (@niallmccrossan)
Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta)
Edited by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan)
Thumbnail by: Bennett Grainger
Produced by: Keith Capstick (@KeithCapstick)
All footage courtesy: https://pastebin.com/fgTdjGXv
Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).
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