The Quarter Show! A quick metal detecting outing at a local school

The Quarter Show!  A quick metal detecting outing at a local school

In this episode, I only have a couple of hours to get out and detect, so I'm limited to really close locations. I make the best of the situation and just head to a local school to see what we can find. It's not super exciting, but I got to get out in the sun, get some exercise, and have some fun. Gotta love that!

Metal Detectors, coils, pinpointers
Minelab Equinox 800
Fisher F22
Nokta Simplex+
6 inch Equinox coil
Garrett ProPointer AT
Nokta Pulse Dive pinpointer

Other gear:
Camera work done with Samsung Galaxy S7 and S20FE
Shovel – Predator Tools Piranha Shovel (an awesome shovel!), Lesche Sampson pro series T-Handle
Field shovel – Root Assassin with about 7 inches cut off end of blade
Hand Digger – Fullit Gardening Trowel (my new favorite), Wilcox All Pro 102S 12" Digging Trowel, Garrett hand digger (junk), and Kellyco digger (junk)
Finds pouch – Garrett finds pouch
Vest – fishing vest from Field and Stream store

If there is any other gear I’ve missed, let me know and I’ll post it for you.

Intro Music: Josh Woodward – Untitled Instrumental from Only Whispering album. Free music from a singer/songwriter right near me in Ann Arbor, Michigan

DONATE: If you would like to donate to my channel, all proceeds go directly into Metal Detecting gear and expenses so I can make better videos for you.


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