What is interior lime plaster, and why use it?
Hello all, our site is fixed.
As so many email me to say! Hey! I can’t find, "Diamond Lime Plaster."
Diamond is simply a name like "Imperial" both of these lime plasters are made by USG.
If you can't find Diamond, so what. Buy another lime plaster.
USG's calls their Lime plaster, "Diamond," one has to admit it's a clever name for lime plaster,
Why? Diamonds are minerals composed of pure carbon. It is the hardest naturally occurring substance known. Damned clever lime naming if you asked me?
Google, "Lime Plaster sold in my area,"
FYI, it can be named "Raccoons arse hole Lime Plaster,” as long as it's a “Lime Plaster,” you’re good.๐
Lime plaster is a mixture of lime, water, and aggregates used to bring uniformity to interior walls and ceilings through smooth or decorative finishes.
A few more videos about lime plastering are below that may interest you.
https://youtu.be/KldxODNprP0/ lime plastering kitchens.
https://youtu.be/k-ZuqT5eFi8 real lime plaster, no lye or silica
https://youtu.be/8yqzBa9MU7Y/ Veneer Lime Plaster, not what you think.
https://youtu.be/jI54QRx0_H0/ lime is life
https://youtu.be/LQXJPqlSXbk/ Rat sh!t happens, lime plastering secrets
https://youtu.be/LzTvF9xO2cU/ Lime Veneer Plasters to bathroom wall
https://youtu.be/yLgFJTTXgzQ/ interior Lime for finishing sheetrock, fireplace
https://youtu.be/P-MYIWu6hLg/ plastering, veneer plastering. Oak hills
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lime_plaster/ Lime plaster is a type of plaster composed of sand, water, and lime.
Why apply Lime anyway? To begin with, earthen plasters can actually improve your health. They are entirely non-toxic, contain no VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and clay and lime even resist mold growth. In addition, an often overlooked and subtle benefit of clay is that when it comes into contact with water, it emits a negative charge.
It is then re-hydrated to form slaked lime (calcium hydroxide), and the resulting putty is the base for lime plaster.
Once the plaster has been applied, it goes through a chemical process when it comes into contact with carbon dioxide in the air and gradually turns back into calcium carbonate (limestone).
This curing process can take up to a century, during which the plaster becomes harder with each passing year.
For this reason, lime plaster has been used as a durable and weather-resistant finish for millennia.
However, one important thing to know about processed lime is that it is caustic and can harm your skin if exposed to it before it cures.
These same caustic properties, however, make it highly resistant to mold and bacteria. ๐
Real Lime plastering prevents mold and fungi from occurring as its alkaline.
Lime is a necessary mineral.
Limes positive effect on the human body can’t be expressed or measured.
Lime plaster absorbs many airborne toxins, which is good for human health.๐
Also, any engineers who wish to prove their years in school by suggesting USG’s lime plaster is more gypsum than lime, get off this channel and take this useless opinion or information up with the untied nations.
Doubtful they won’t care either.
Plus, you’re missing the point while distracting from the point of this lime plastering tutorial.
Lime plastering has been used for thousands of years.
Plus, if reading this, you may get the impression I am not debating who puts what in materials labeled lime plaster!
Lastly, all of us plasterers can only purchase the lime materials available here in the USA.
Thus, we are not owners of gypsum or lime companies, nor are we scientists nor engineers; many like me are merely applicators who, if concerned about who’s adding or subtracting minerals for whatever purpose one might have, may as well become concerned in other meaningless topics like if there’s life or water on the moon. Who cares?
There's enough in our homes to be concerned with, such as family, friends, and keeping the lights on and food on our tables.๐ค
Stucco waits for no one; hence it has beaten me up a time or two while I was rambling at the mouth.๐
BTW friends, my son and I have unconsciously created the most comprehensive encyclopedia of Stucco and Plastering videos ever produced online globally for your inspiration, entertainment, and education.
Thus, bringing peace, love, and brotherhood back into plastering; or trying to.
Feel free to check out our recommended tools on our website below.
Kirk Giordano Plastering Inc.
Kirk & Jason Giordano’s how-to show and tell videos.
Thanks for watching, and have a great day!