Which colours do I use for my DIY Planters ! बेस्ट कलर्स प्लांटर्स के लिए जो टिके लंबे समय तक !!

Which colours do I use for my DIY Planters ! बेस्ट कलर्स प्लांटर्स के लिए जो टिके लंबे समय तक !!

Hello Everyone

Colouring tips for DIYs || Diy Planters || Wall putty Planters || Best colour for DIYs || Reuse oil cans || Reuse plastic cans || Best out of waste || Kabad ka jugad

I get lots of questions related to colours that I use and how do they long last. Watch this video till the end to get to know all the things.

●The colours that I used are -

1. Fevicryl Colour Range {Acrylic Colours, Fabric Colours, Pearl colours, Neon colour kit}

2. Camel Fabrica Acrylic Colours

3. Spray paints

4. Wall Paints and stainers

● Varnish - Indigo Sleek

◆ Also I make a use of Oil colour sometimes over some of my outdoor Planters also !

◆ Though Fabric Colours are meant for colouring the fabric but I have them in excess so I use them on my DIYs too ! So both acrylic and fabric colour work like same on the surfaces !

◆ Also I used the Fevicryl Neon 3D liners for decoration.

◆ I use spray paints mostly on the things where painting by brush gets difficult. They are easy to use and quick dry.

◆ Varnish is the key at the end ! Don't forget to paint a coat of varnish after paint to make it more shiny and protect it.

● Watch my earlier Colouring tips video - https://youtu.be/x5Qk3q42tDE

● Bedsheet painting - https://youtu.be/_37ku7cNm6o

● Best kabad ka jugad Giraffe planter- https://youtu.be/IrUNQoUTyAE



◆◆ Also do check my social media handles for more of the pictures and videos of my garden work !!

1. Instagram - https://instagram.com/antracreations09?utm_medium=copy_link

2. Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/521167555422645/?ref=share

● Feel free to ask any queries or questions down below the comment box , also you can Dm me over my instagram page as well !
● Any suggestions for video or work are mostly welcomed !!

●● For contacts and collaboration mail me at - deepaloshali7898@gmail.com

Thank you.

#kabadkajugad #colouringtips #diyplanters #howtocolourplanters #longlastingcolurs #acryliccolours #spraypaints #wallpaints

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