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High-tech devices, used for monitoring citizens. Beijing is reportedly installing a new kind of gear on residents’ homes. Its job? Alerting authorities whenever a quarantined person tries to leave their home.
In parts of China, locals are running low on food amid another lockdown. Some are quarantined in hotels, and must pay for everything out of pocket.
Increasing soldier benefits, adjusting national defense laws… a series of military-related moves by China is raising concerns. Some say the Communist regime is shifting towards wartime policy.
And in this week’s special report, we look at state-run news outlets in China who are getting creative with their reports. Their seemingly picture-perfect news coverage may actually be carefully pre-arranged—revealed by a handful of accidents caught on tape.
00:00 Intro
00:05 Locals running out of food amid lockdown
01:58 China ramps up virus control to new heights
03:21 CCP virus hits Northeast China again
04:21 Multi-block mall locked down in China
05:16 China shifts towards wartime policy?
08:00 Official: U.S. to help Taiwan defend itself
09:07 Xi to speak at G20 summit via video link
10:03 GE appliances to add 1K jobs in Kentucky
11:24 Examining China's fake news
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Watch more:
Manipulating America: The Chinese Communist Playbook https://bit.ly/2NfcjHN
The Pandemic’s Wall Street Connection: https://bit.ly/2SRDeNd
Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus: https://bit.ly/3dCWHsM
Virus follows communist China ties: https://bit.ly/2UsNVWc
Giving the right name to the virus causing a global pandemic: https://bit.ly/2wzV3IB
Undercover video reveals new evidence on forced organ harvesting in China: https://bit.ly/2wBE7RR
Full movie: ‘Claws of the Red Dragon’ exposes connection between Huawei and Chinese Communist Party: https://bit.ly/2wW1R3C
Examining China's #FakeNews; China ramps up virus control to new heights | China in Focus
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