With the amount of available commands in Minecraft, it's very common to create something cool and fun. Today I showed you a few of the best, fun and simple commands in Minecraft!
Buy my Mantle cape (Java Edition) - https://mantle.gg/shop/mlglol80
MCStacker - https://mcstacker.net/
Minecraft Tools - https://minecraft.tools/en/
Millio - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOjgASFddpZcV_x_jCSE9Hg
/playanimation [choose your target] animation.ghast.scale scale 99
/summon fireball ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionPower:10} (Choose from 1-127)
/summon fireball ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionPower:10,Item:{id:"minecraft:red_bed",Count:1}}
(2 repeating commands) https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftCommands/comments/fj9lrj/how_to_make_snowballs_that_explode_on_impact/ all credits goes to them!
(Fly on the snowball) /execute at @e[type=snowball] run tp @p ~0.1 ~0.1 ~0.1
/execute anchored feet at @p run particle minecraft:cloud ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 0.0000001 5 force @p
(small box) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xand8HK9ivA&list=WL&index=73
/scoreboard objectives add kaboom minecraft.custom:minecraft.damage_dealt
(repeater) /execute if entity @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:diamond_axe"}}] run execute at @a[scores={kaboom=1..}] run execute at @e[nbt={HurtTime:10s}] run summon lightning_bolt
/execute at @e[type=arrow] run summon tnt
(repeating command) /tp [name[ [name]
/execute at @p run setblock ~ ~ ~ [any block]
/summon tnt ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:1} (or more whatever you want)
/summon creeper ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:1000} /summon creeper ~ ~ ~ {ExplosionRadius:10}
/give @p stick{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:100}]}
🎶Music by C418
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Shader Pack - Sildurs Vibrant Shaders - https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/
Contact Me For Sponorships👉 mlglol80official@gmail.com