Not 'What' but WHO is Kleavor Based on? πŸͺ“πŸͺ“ Gnoggin - Pokemon Legends Arceus

Not 'What' but WHO is Kleavor Based on? πŸͺ“πŸͺ“ Gnoggin - Pokemon Legends Arceus

Kleavor, the new Hisuian evolution of Scyther, was just revealed! Why does it have axe hands? What is Kleavor based on? What are the Origins of Kleavor's design? Yeah Kleavor design, you heard me. Well what if I told you Kleavor is based on a dude from Samurai Warriors? well not really FROM Samurai Warriors, rather based on a REAL Samurai General that also happened to be a character in Samurai Warriors? Because there's a distinct possibility that's the case...

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Editor: Smoof:

#pokemon #Pokemonlegends #kleavor

00:00 WTF is Kleavor?
00:39 Kleavor's Name
02:25 Why Kleavor Fits in Hisui
03:25 Kleavor is a Samurai!?
05:05 Kleavor's Fur Coat
06:49 Konclusien

Gnoggin, hosted by its creator Lockstin, is a show delving into the mysteries of Pokemon! (and other games sometimes too). Explaining everything there is to explain! Why is each Pokemon given the type it has? What are their origins? What is the lore of the Pokemon world and the design inspirations? And what does it all have to do with alchemy? Let's Go find out!

pokemonpokemon legendspokemon legends arceus

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