135 - Comparative Analysis of Conventional and Modified Perturb and Observe MPPT Controllers

135 - Comparative Analysis of Conventional and Modified Perturb and Observe MPPT Controllers

Sajib Ahmed, Immad Shams, Saad Mekhilef, Tey Kok Soon, Marizan Binti Mubin
Code: (S5103_ID135)
Paper Title : Comparative Analysis of Conventional and Modified Perturb and Observe MPPT Controllers under Partial Shading Conditions

Presented in:
9th International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference #IRSEC21
IEEE Conference
Online, November 23-27, 2021
Workshop 5 - Digital Technologies in Solar Energy

Presented by :
Sajib Ahmed
Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Abstract - Sun-oriented energy is one of the most unswerving energy for its abundance, non-conventional, and pollution-free nature, and it is primarily reliant upon temperature and irradiance conditions. The current and voltage (I-V) curve shows a single peak point due to its non-linear relationship at uniform irradiance conditions. The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller is required for operating the solar photovoltaic system at its maximum power capability. Among many developed algorithms, perturb and observe (P&O) is renowned for its flexibility and simple execution in low-cost devices. On the contrary, it has a downside during operation at partial shading condition (PSC). Therefore, to overcome the issue of PSCs, modified P&O controllers is proposed in the literature. Here, the conventional P&O algorithm is compared to three modified P&O algorithms where modified algorithms can improve the performance of various features. The simulation study has been performed for all the proposed controllers under the same test conditions."


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