After He Broken Spine & Paralyzed, They Dumped him on the Field Far From Residential Warming Ending

After He Broken Spine & Paralyzed, They Dumped him on the Field Far From Residential Warming Ending

After He Broken Spine and Paralyzed, They Dumped him on the Field Far From Residential Warming Ending

Someone call us for help, they found a poor paralyzed dog on the field far from civilization.. What happened? Whether he was hit or brought and left with a injured spine, we will never know that. Why they can left the poor soul there because they parralyzed? I have no word to say about human! He is wonderful, wonderful character, about 2 years old. Despite paralyzed he still smile and friendly with us! We took him to the Vet for checking and treatment. The poor dog only bones and skins, paralyzed 2 back legs.. We named him is DIEGO!

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