Concept AvdanOS.
Now in production.
In this video you can watch the creation of Files and Downloads icons of Concept AvdanOS in time lapse.
Concept AvdanOS will reflect the vision I have for the future of operating systems. Every part of this concept is being designed by me. So it takes time to finish such a huge project.I'll release the Concept AvdanOS video when it reaches the vision I've been dreaming of for the last few years.
Stay tuned.
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/avdankamerkaan
FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/AvdanKamerKaan
BUY MERCH TO SUPPORT: https://avdan.creator-spring.com
Avdan Season 3 Concepts:
iOS 14 Concept: https://youtu.be/SIhvJ4YvkCw
Windows 20 Concept: https://youtu.be/sLib5QX9qMw
Spotify Concept: https://youtu.be/Rp37n-cLYLQ
Windows 7 2020 Edition: https://youtu.be/trFqVk-m0NY
Android 12 Concept: https://youtu.be/ox2PD1BqNfw
iPadOS 15 Concept: https://youtu.be/wC5lBQiXooE
If Microsoft Designed macOS: https://youtu.be/OtwHJwP-juo
#AvdanOS #timelapse