Have you given any thought to what you might like to be buried with? And do you think that being interred with your most beloved possessions is a meaningful final gesture? Join us as we take a look at some of the most unusual objects that were buried with famous celebrities who have sadly departed this plane of existence.
▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:42 - Frank Sinatra
01:32 - Humphrey Bogart
02:27 - Tony Curtis
02:51 - George Burns
03:11 - Roald Dahl
03:33 - John F. Kennedy
04:27 - Bela Lugosi
05:00 - Bob Marley
05:27 - William S. Burroughs
05:39 - Leonard Bernstein
06:10 - Outro
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Answer this simple question. If you were to die today, what would you want to be buried with? Would you even care? It's not like you'd be able to sip on a bottle of top-shelf bourbon in the afterlife, and those precious treasures that you've acquired throughout your life aren't exactly going to do anybody any good when they're six feet underground. Why not just pass them on to your kids or donate them to charity? That seems a bit more sensible, right?
As we all know, celebrities aren't exactly always known for being sensible. And most stars develop a bit of an ego throughout their lives. As such, when they kick the bucket, they sometimes request to be treated more like Egyptian royalty than average joes. But at least in the case of the Egyptians, they literally believed their earthly possessions would follow them into the great beyond. What excuse to modern stars have? It seems like being buried with riches and treasures is a lot like the last great flaunt. What's more extravagant than being buried with gold and precious gems that will only get tarnished by decay and time.
But then again, many of the stars that we're going to be discussing in this video never asked to be buried with anything in particular. It was their families that chose the items for them to spend eternity with. From Bella Lugosi's famous Dracula cape to William S. Burrough's loaded .33 caliber rifle, the reasons behind the things that are buried with celebrities are numerous, but most of the time, they reflected something about the star that resonated with who they were and what they stood for.
Celebrities Who Were Buried With Unexpected Objects