[DFFOO] Tifa Needs No BT | Vayne BT LUFENIA+ | Rafflesia Raid | Lure of the Lush

[DFFOO] Tifa Needs No BT | Vayne BT LUFENIA+ | Rafflesia Raid | Lure of the Lush

Just realized Tifa is synergy here! Time to bring our favorite brawler out to punch some flowers~

With no rebreaker, the toughest part of the fight is orb management. Green CoD support usually takes care of that for us -- giving us extra padding with the rebreaks from their LD. Save your summon for when the count is low!

If you're not bringing BT+ or supports like Bartz, then Setzer is the next best thing! This event has crazy defense and reductions, and [Fixed Dice] ignores all that.


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- Tifa (from: https://imgur.com/j51h0v9)
- Golmore Jungle (FFXII)

- [Dust to Dust] from FINAL FANTASY XIII

All images and tracks used are the properties of Square Enix

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