Gemstone Industry Newsletter - November 2021

Gemstone Industry Newsletter - November 2021

For over 50 years, I have been directly purchasing gemstone rough and mineral specimens from miners in Afghanistan and in addition, this last year, designing and directing a newsletter sponsored by USAID. Unfortunately, the Afghanistan Gemstone Industry Newsletter sponsored by USAID has been halted indefinitely due to the Taliban taking over Afghanistan. The American USAID staff has departed Afghanistan and many of the gemstone miners and dealers are in hiding or have left Afghanistan.
At this time shipments from Afghanistan are currently prohibited. Thus, to keep a program operating where buyers can continue to purchase Afghanistan and other countries gemstones, jewelry, carvings, mineral specimens and lapis products, Gem Hunters Corporation (GHC) is offering some of its current stock for immediate purchase. These offerings are but a few items from our 60,000 item plus inventory.
The goods listed are available through: (a) This newsletter; (b) The Gem Hunters Corporation (GHC) web site (; (c) GHC’s distributors; (d) email


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