Health Benefits of Dried Figs That Will Entice You | Why Figs Everyday | Healthy N Happy Life

Health Benefits of Dried Figs That Will Entice You | Why Figs Everyday | Healthy N Happy Life

Fresh or dried, figs are a powerhouse of nutrition. These naturally sweet fruits boast large amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and fiber. Figs are also packed with quercetin, kaempferol, epicatechin gallate and other powerful antioxidants. Despite fig's high sugar content, they support health and may even aid in weight loss.
Here are 14 Health Benefits of Dried Figs That Will Entice You.

1. Figs for Bone Health.
One cup of dried figs delivers nearly a quarter of the recommended daily calcium intake. This mineral protects against bone loss and osteoporosis when consumed as part of a balanced diet.

2. Promote Weight Loss
The fiber in dried figs increases satiety and curbs hunger, which in turn, helps reduce total food intake. As Harvard Health Publishing points out, high-fiber diets not only improve weight control but may also protect against heart disease and diabetes.

3. Healthier Skin and Hair
Dried figs are loaded with antioxidants and other micronutrients that promote skin health and strengthen your hair.
Zinc and iron, two key nutrients in figs, promote hair growth and reduce hair loss.

4. Improve Your Memory
Figs may improve memory and reduce oxidative damage to the brain. The antioxidants in these fruits may delay plaque formation in Alzheimer's disease and protect against neuronal degeneration.
Figs have beneficial effects on the brain and could improve memory-related behavioral deficits.

5. Fight Diabetes Naturally
A recent review, which was published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2018, indicates that several Ficus species, including the common fig, may reduce blood glucose levels and improve insulin response.

6. Treats Sexual Problems
Figs are a wonder fruit and highly used since ancient times for treating various sexual dysfunctions like sterility, low stamina and erectile dysfunction.
Dried figs are super-rich in amino acids and it works as a great aphrodisiac fruit by increasing vitality and libido.

7. Regulates Blood Pressure
The abundance of potassium in anjeer helps in regulating high blood pressure. Potassium is a vital mineral that aids the body in controlling blood pressure as it facilitates to refute negative impacts of sodium.The goodness of potassium in figs helps to stimulate the functioning of muscles and nerves, balances the fluid in the system and maintains the electrolyte balance.

8.Prevents Constipation
Dried Figs are highly praised as one of the best fruits to replenish and soothe the intestines. It acts as a natural laxative as it is loaded with a good amount of soluble fibre.

9.Treats Piles
The natural laxative property of figs aids in lowering the pressure on the rectum thereby easing the haemorrhoids. As per the report published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicinal Journal, figs are used as a traditional remedy for treating haemorrhoids due to its laxative and antispasmodic properties.

10. Promotes Heart Health
Several pieces of evidence reveal that figs lower the level of triglycerides in the bloodstream and avert the risk of heart disease. Anjeer rich in soluble fibre pectin clears away the clogged cholesterol and eliminates it out of the body through the excretory system.

11. Treats Insomnia
Dry anjeer is highly beneficial for people suffering from insomnia and it is one of the sleep inducing foods. The goodness of tryptophan promotes sound sleep by improving blood circulation in the body.

12. Respiratory Problems
The richness of essential nutrients like protein, carbohydrate, fibre, vitamins A, C and minerals iron, calcium in anjeer hydrates the respiratory system and naturally clears the phlegm, soothes the sore throat, reduces the cough and other lung obstructions.

13. Dental Health
The presence of phenolic compounds in anjeer exhibits anti-caries activity and thwarts off bacteria causing dental infection. The flavonoids and phytochemicals in anjeer fruit exhibit potent antibacterial activities which reduce bacterial infections, guard gums, teeth and promotes overall dental health.

14. Enhances Good Eyesight

Fig enhances good eyesight. Fig is a valued fruit as it assists in preventing age related macular degeneration, a major reason behind vison loss in elderly people. Regular intake promotes healthy vision in all age groups.

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