How to Speed Up Windows 11 to Improve Performance… Since upgrading to Windows 11, many users have reported that their computer is slower and suffering lag in many of the programs they use and games that they play. In this video, I’ll show you more than a dozen tips to improve the performance of your Windows 11 computer. All of which you can do for free without the need to buy any new hardware or software.
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Windows 11 Tips & Tricks Playlist
0:00 Intro
0:23 Disable Transparency Effects
1:11 Change Visual Effects Settings
1:50 Disable Startup Programs
2:27 Disable Background Programs
3:05 Change Power Plan
4:13 Remove Temporary Files
4:51 Enable Storage Sense
5:34 Remove Needless Software
6:09 Defrag and Optimize Drives
6:59 Turn Off Restartable Apps
7:26 Disable Notifications and Tips
7:54 Disable VBS
8:24 Disable Game Mode
8:46 Don’t Install 3rd Party Antivirus
9:26 Restarts and Updates
10:06 Thanks for Watching!
Windows 11
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