I noticed a weird homeless woman at my wife’s grave and decided to find out who she was

I noticed a weird homeless woman at my wife’s grave and decided to find out who she was

#shortlovestories #beingkind #issues

An old man comes to his recently deceased wife’s grave and sees gorgeous pink roses planted on it. He’s surprised; the couple had no children and no other relatives. He resolves to find out who did it and soon notices a young woman near the grave.

She tells him a story about how 10 years prior she ended up homeless when her mom disowned her. The girl was starving and stole roses from someone’s yard to sell them. The old man’s wife wasn’t like others who were just walking by indifferently; she noticed the poor girl and bought all the roses she had.

Apart from that, she did for her something she could only dream of… Having heard the story, the old man tearfully realizes that his wife was truly a saint!

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