An open letter to the people of Ireland, and the people of the world.
To all those with love in their hearts and awareness in their minds, and without borders, this affects us all. To all of those working under the authority of governments and large corporations, you are affected too.
Humanity is at a crossroads. Families, communities & nations are now totally polarised and at war with each other. The whole fabric of our society is breaking down at an ever increasing rate. There are those who totally believe everything they hear on mainstream news and there are those that are totally opposed to the same information.
Regardless of your beliefs around covid19, this is where we are. Nobody in power is talking about the future, whatsoever. Nobody in power is talking about the total destruction of our economy, our society, our mental health, our local businesses, the welfare of our children, the natural, normal, integration of our communities on a daily basis.
EVERYTHING that is normal and natural that has evolved over 1000’s of years has been and is being, systematically destroyed. If we as a human race of natural peoples in each of our nations, does not put a halt to this insanity and the constant one-sided propaganda being pumped out daily across all media platforms, we will get to a point of no return and destroy ourselves. This propaganda is fear based, is a brain washing technique, highly insidious and long term very damaging for the general population. It is designed to generate GREAT FEAR. But, LOVE CONQUERS FEAR, always.
To the people enforcing the laws in Ireland and globally, you are the same as us. We love you and appreciate the sacrifices you make on a daily basis to keep us safe from evil. You live amongst us in our communities. We recognise that you are suffering too. We are aware that you may have children, that you work shift work, that you may have elderly parents that you can’t see, friends you can’t see, that you can’t play your sports or go on holidays or go out for a meal, just like us. We recognise that you want this global situation to be over too. We recognise that you are suffering too and many of you in silence continue to work with a terrible knowingness inside that something is deeply wrong, but you are caught in the system with family to care for and as an individual, you have no idea how to change that. You are locked into the broken system.
To the people elected in government. You have forgotten who you represent. You represent the people of Ireland/eire, an ancient land with incredibly rich culture, rituals, and lore. You are now, IN BREACH OF TRUST to the Irish people. To the governments of the world, you are now, IN BREACH OF TRUST to the peoples of the nations you serve.
Why? You as representatives of the people, did not AT ANY STAGE, ask the people what they wanted in the past year. Where is the local town hall gatherings? Where was the wisdom of the people sought? You, have allowed a new priesthood, unelected scientists and doctors with a one-sided viewpoint to take total charge of our country. They answer to nobody, many have shares in vaccine companies and are drunk on their new found power. They are only answerable to their own vested interests. A SOFT COUP HAS TAKEN PLACE IN OUR NATION and all around the world.
The people create everything, not large multinational corporations who have become parasitic on the earth. The people in these large organisations have to do the bidding of the shareholders which are mostly insanely wealthy people who are totally blinkered by the LUST FOR PROFIT.
People of the world, you have more power than you realise, you just need to align your thinking like a flock of starlings, and move in unity. If you want real change, make your voice heard, write to your government, tell them they are in BREACH OF TRUST, tell them you remove your consent to be governed by a system that has been taken over in a SOFT COUP, by large corporations whose only reason to exist, is to make profit.
Meet together in small groups, online or in person, safely, with mutual respect for the collective suffering we are all experiencing. Go back to the old town hall system of decision making, sit in circle, let everyone speak. Do not interrupt. Work from the heart, with the heart. The head will hear its call, the heart will feel it, uplift you, uplift your communities, come up with solutions. Create the solutions together and pass the solutions up the way to the broken system. If every community does this, we can change the narrative on everything, very quickly. The individual mind becomes the one mind and A NEW TRUST WILL BE BORN.
Again to those enforcing the law, come back to common law jurisdiction again, no loss, harm injury or fraud, bring it back to simple and let the people breath again, and live again.
The people of eire and the world, align and unite!