People who suffer from depression – The Pope Video 11 – November 2021

People who suffer from depression – The Pope Video 11 – November 2021

Via the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer):

Extreme exhaustion, depression, and anxiety are some of the most common illnesses in today’s world. Often, “sadness, apathy, and spiritual tiredness end up dominating people’s lives, which are overloaded due to the rhythm of life today.” What can we do to help people suffering from these situations? Be at their side, accompany them, and remind them that “together with the indispensable guidance of a psychologist, which is useful and effective, Jesus’ words also help.” Watch the Pope Video for this month, and if you know someone who is suffering from one of these situations, share Francis’ words with them.

“Overwork and work-related stress cause many people to experience extreme exhaustion—mental, emotional, affective, and physical exhaustion.

And of course, as a result, sadness, apathy, and spiritual tiredness end up dominating people’s lives, which are overloaded due to the rhythm of life today.

Let us strive to be close to those who are exhausted, to those who are desperate, without hope. Often, we should simply listen in silence because we cannot go tell someone, ‘No, life’s not like that. Listen to me, I’ll give you the instructions.’ There are no instructions.

And besides, let us not forget that, together with the indispensable guidance of a psychologist, which is useful and effective, Jesus’ words also help. These words come to my mind and heart: ‘Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.’

Let us pray that pray that people who suffer from depression or burn-out will find support and a light that opens them up to life.”

If you want to see more videos and other content about the Pope's intentions, you can find them at

With the collaboration of Vatican Media:
and the Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers


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