r/EntitledPeople - After OP faints on the job, her idiot coworker decides to kick her unconscious body to see if they're okay. After no response the coworker continues on like nothing happened without telling ANYONE, leaving her on the floor unconscious. After reviewing the security footage of the event, OP reports the event to HR in hopes something will be done about it. Stay tuned for more r/EntitledPeople and Karen stories!
▶️Check out our previous r/EntitledPeople video:
r/EntitledPeople I STRANDED Karen on Side of the ROAD! She Almost Made Me CRASH! | Reddit Stories
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Story 1 by u/Masterb8deb8
Story 2 by u/Annoyedscorned
#karenstories #redditstories
All stories on this channel are narrations of posts found on Reddit and are not associated with myself or this channel. If you are the original author of any stories featured on this channel and would not like them to be used, please contact me.