Sonic Passion: Tales from the Delusionally Depraved

Sonic Passion: Tales from the Delusionally Depraved

Sonic Passion was a forum for people who were sexually attracted to video game characters. Shrouded by the elusive character of Alix Henriol, the site harbors many secrets and stories to be explored...

0:00 Introduction
0:51 Chapter 1: Alix Henriol
2:28 Chapter 2: "A case study on idiots"
4:10 Reading the funniest posts
6:16 Chapter 3: Paulandamy
8:03 Chapter 4: The end of Passion
10:59 Chapter 5: The return of Alix
12:35 Outro
12:55 PURDAH??!?!
13:04 End cards


DenshiDenshiVideoSonic Passion

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