Denver Health CEO Gives True Picture of Hospitals During the COVID Pandemic 2021

Denver Health CEO Gives True Picture of Hospitals During the COVID Pandemic 2021

Denver Health CEO Gives True Picture of Hospitals During the COVID Pandemic 2021
In this video, recorded live on November 23, 2021, Denver Health CEO Robin Wittenstein speaks during Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock's COVID-19 Press Conference about how unvaccinated COVID patients are putting the entire hospital system on the "brink of collapse."

Dr. Wittenstein said as of this recording that hospitals in the metro area had only five percent of bed capacity available, with frontline workers stretched thin and with a backlog of patients who need care but are not able to get it. This true picture is not a scare tactic, but the reality of our situation now and why health care workers – from nurses to medical assistants to food service workers and those who clean hospital rooms – are even more vital than ever before.

She thanks those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and pleaded with those who have not been vaccinated yet to get vaccinated as soon as possible.

COVID-19 vaccines are free, safe & effective, and available to anyone over the age of five. To make an appointment at Denver Health to get a vaccine, go to or call 303-436-7000.

See full news conference at

hospitals during COVID 2021behind the scenes hospitals 2021behind the scenes COVID hospital

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