Important note: Just to be clear, I am not suggesting the minor on Tiktok and Sappho are the same person. When I say "there's a link", what I mean is that these two have interacted directly, and the things presented confirm it. Thanks for taking the time to read this description.
I will not be making more content on Sappho on this channel unless absolutely necessary. I understand new developments may come out in the future, but unless it's something truly abhorrent, much like the claims in this video and my last one, I'm no longer going to be covering this story on my channel. I'll ask those of you who've DMed me to respect that, and if you learn anything new, either take it to the police, or bring it to one of my peers in the community.
Joecoon's video: https://youtu.be/GCQSQye0CSI
Joecoon's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUcA-1EFlg4qGvkFog4CZjQ
Thank you to all my patrons, without whom this content wouldn't be possible!
Xylon Arden
Anthony Ruth
Lucid Creator
Spoken Mind
Shiloh Connor
Marlow Nights
Percival C.M.
Ruberic Gemlling
Goldy (Sorry for not being able to shout you out verbally, the donation came in after I edited this video. I'll add you to verbal shoutouts starting next video!)
Social media accounts of contributing artist(s):
SiRoD (Character Stills): https://twitter.com/5irod
My Twitter:
https://twitter.com/CoyoteLovelyYT (Active)
My DA:
https://www.deviantart.com/coyotelovelyyt (Semi-Active)
My Bitchute:
https://www.bitchute.com/channel/u8vyjK927tri/ (Inactive, on backup)
My Patreon:
https://www.patreon.com/CoyoteLovely (Active)
Telegram Channel:
https://t.me/coyotelovelyyt (Semi-Active)
Join the discord!~
https://discord.gg/qa8UjaS7sB (Active)